Bogota Travel Strategies

Located in the Andes, Bogota is a lively, cultural city packed with surprises. The location is a burning pot of cosmopolitan and colonial components. The city is well know for its appealing restaurants and nightlife, as well as its wealthy history and intensifying buildings.

The city’s main destinations are located in La Candelaria, the historic centre of Bogota. It is filled up with museums and cathedrals. You will also find many markets and plazas in the spot. Among the museums inside the area certainly is the Museo del Oro, which is famous for the collection of pre-Columbian gold.

One other popular attraction is the Altozano Monserrate, the city’s greatest point. There exists a hiking trek that leads to the top. While the hike is normally easy, it is recommended that you carry a lot of water. You can also opt to take those cable car, which is an alternative way to succeed in the most notable.

Another location to visit is the Botanical Garden, which is a good way to relax and exercise. Your garden is located near the City Playground. During the summer time, it’s a good way to enjoy a very good breeze.

Bogota is the politics center of Colombia, and it has a lot of historic and cultural places to see. There are several museums to visit, such as the Museo delete Oro plus the Museum of Modern Art. It’s also possible to find streets graffiti in Bogota. This city is additionally known for its infame, a corn-based alcoholic beverage.

You can also visit the Vivienda de Neutralidad, which is Colombia’s supreme court. It was rebuilt after a struggle with rebels in 1985. The art gallery has a amazing art collection. Several charging a good place to see a lot of spooky historic mummies.

An alternative popular appeal in Bogota is the Theatron, a massive entertainment complex. They have packed with many individuals every weekend. It’s also one of the LGBT-friendly locations in the city.

Another art gallery in the place is the Botero Museum, which includes a superb artwork collection. This museum is likewise located in La Candelaria, the historic center on the city. Additionally it is the best place to obtain an overview of Colombian lifestyle.

In addition to being the greatest city in Colombia, Bogota is also one of the most harmful. While there have been recent improvements in safety, it has the still imperative that you be aware when traveling. You should also avoid flashing your money and valuables. Additionally, you should always be suspicious of darker alleys and prevent traveling alone at night. You should as well keep a security guide with you while you’re journeying.

You can also find a variety of cheap resorts and hostels in Bogota. It’s also possible to rent a car, which is a great way to see the country. You can also find community food travels in the area. These tours can include a trip to the Paloquemao farmers market.

The city even offers a coach and coach system, so it’s painless to have around. You will get around Bogota for about $25-30 a day. Additionally , you can buy a Tu Grifo card, which will save you money on tour bus fares.